I’ve gone through all our GPS tracks and uploaded maps (where available) and satellite views of the trips we did during our holiday.
Have a look through the blog entries from South America 2008 to see the map info – I’ve uploaded them as images.
If your screen resolution makes the map and satellite images look a bit fuzzy – try viewing the “original” file so you can zoom in to full resolution.
I have been experimenting a bit with Google Earth .kml files – if you would like some kml files so you can do your own exploring of the areas we visited – let me know in the comments and I’ll upload them.
The main task I have left is to geocode all our photos with the GPS data. Only problem there is that there are over 5000 photos and lots of GPS tracks – I’ve got to match them all up!
Hi Sim’
I urge you to upload some of the tracks to http://www.openstreetmap.org/
thereby expanding the number of Open Source maps available in the world.