Just did a software upgrade and a slight design update for my ZooBeat Forums … I think it looks a lot cleaner now.
Traffic is growing, we have new members (including quite a few new international members), and new forum topics to discuss.
Come and join in the discussion if you are interested in Zoos and animal conservation !!
Hi Simon, its come to a time where I just cannot stay silent any longer and hey! accuse me of lurking and indeed I have been.
I came across ‘zoobeat’ late 2006 just as we were about to launch our ‘truth’ website on the other side of the Mareeba story – I included your link in that as I had initially found some threads that were pertinent to our campaign….since that time I have discovered many distressing threads and posts going way back to our time as consultant managers of the park whilst in liquidation and am offended by the so-called ‘in the know’ comments made by your members.
Firstly it seems very odd that only in as early as January this year did anyone really know who was actually at the park for 2 years doing the very best they could under extremely difficult circumstances.
What is appalling, is if any one of your group including you as a moderator really did care as much about zoos and animals as you all profess, why on earth did you not atleast get your facts right about us – zooworks? We would have welcomed a call or a drop in to see how we were going or even an offer of any kind of assistance. We built an army of local volunteers and an incredible food source because there was little support otherwise to feed or help with the animal care.
If you’d wanted to know the truth all you needed to do was ask – we are zoo people who work independently of any zoo and are active members of ARAZPA, keep to ourselves and do the best we can to do the work we love – the animals at Mareeba were our first and foremost responsibilty, we endured threats from the absent UK owner, played the game with the liquidators and had to deal with many challenges including bogus zoo buyers, cyclone Larry & Monica, past staff with grievances and many creditors from the region who were left out of pocket by the ex owner – not just a normal day to care for the animals.
I have seen the false and misleading comments of some of your members who again I accuse of wrongfully saying they are in the know, a simple phone call would have given you all the truth direct…this leads to me saying, I have worked in the zoo industry also for a very long time, I left Taronga zoo 13years ago because of politics, your site suggests many of your members are disgruntled by their place of work – I am disgusted that you encourage such negativity and bitchiness – yeah its okay to have a whinge but then I suggest you promote your site in a more appropriate manner say ‘zoo bitch’ ….you think me harsh? maybe I am , I am just very tired of people talking about us and the work we do without really knowing us or ever making contact, we are very open people and would have loved a little show of support for the work we did in Mareeba instead of the criticism and that goes for even today…tell me why on earth we warrant a discussion of our website and how we choose to promote ourselves by using video footage of our time at the park?
And one of your members has obviously little going for them in their life where they they feel the need to judge us….no doubt comfortable in a secure job, not really game to doing anything risky but hide behind a bitter front on a two bit forum!
Zoo biology was once mentioned in a post, what a shame zoobeat has never measured up to that for an australasin regional resource for all zoo and zoo interested people to actually grow and learn from…..shame shame shame!!!!!!
Your site is gaining a reputation for a site not worth visiting due to the generous space your create for members to slag many people in a very unhealthy way, no integrity at all in my books.
I’m not sure how you first started out and what the context was meant to be but this will be my last time I give another ‘hit’ to your site and just hope you either close it down or clean it up.
I’d appreciate you remove all mention to zooworks, Tim Husband and anything else derogatory towards us.
I dont think you have done any favours for us by having a gossip session at our expense.
If you are ever truly interested in the Mareeba story, the fact by fact story, let us know but it will not be used in anyway as a promotional tool, we’ve certainly had enough promotion thanks!
Wendy Husband