I applied for a residency – writing a Redbook (technical document) on one of our products … it’s a great experience and you learn heaps too, and become a published author (your name is listed on the book, along with the other people who contributed when the book is publised). 5 weeks in Cambridge, Massachusetts (just out of Boston) – in early spring would have been cold, but fun.
Unfortunately I chose one of the more popular topics, and there were simply too many people vying for the three spots they had available.
I’m disappointed – it would have been great, but at the same time, I’ve got so much other stuff on at the moment, I was dreading having to leave for 5 weeks, especially after just getting back from 5 weeks in the US in January. It’s kind of a relief that I’m not going really – I would have to be leaving tomorrow morning to get there in time, and wouldn’t get back until mid April.
They’ve encouraged me to keep applying for other residencies – just have to pick my time of year a bit better too … July is probably a better choice !
this is a test !