Bought a new scanner the other day – a Canon DR-2050C. I’m hoping to minimise the amount of paper I store – or more the point, minimise the amount of space I use storing it, and the amount of time I spend handling it. I get a LOT of mail (bank statements, investment statements, utility invoices, etc) – and this should help reduce the clutter. More and more companies are offering paperless billing – and that helps, but there’s still a lot of paper to deal with.
I remember back in our unit one day I was wandering out to the letterbox to check the mail, just as the mailman arrived. He recognised me from the last time we met like this – and said “unit 11 right ?”, I replied “that’s great memory you have”, he chuckled, “it’s easy to remember – you’re the one who gets all this mail every day”. I’d just become used to all the mail that I get daily – and had forgotten that it wasn’t normal for people to get this much mail ! I guess when you stand out to the postman then you really do get a lot of mail.
So, it’s satisfying to be able to make significant inroads to the volume of paper I collect daily – both through receiving less paper-mail, but also being able to then store it in electronic form to save space and filing time.
I’ve written more about the scanner over at my Ask Sim’ blog: Canon DR-2050C Scanner
Mine likes to munch piles of paper at once instead of scanning page by page, drives me nuts…