We were up early today – woken by a hungry child who happened to be sleeping in the same room as us. Now how did that happen?
Andres was a bit grizzly this morning – perhaps his reflux is giving him a bit of a problem, but sitting him up or over the shoulder seemed to settle him down.

After breakfast, we sat out on the balcony for a while, enjoying the morning air and Leanne and Andres had a bit of a snooze together on the couch.

I pulled my big camera lens out for the first time this trip and within 5 minutes had got decent photos of 6 different species of bird – all from my position sitting on the couch on the balcony. I might post some photos on ZooChat to see if I can get some help identifying them, I don’t have any field guides to birds of Colombia.
We had a quiet morning sitting around, spending time with Andres – he is beginning to relax around us and we are seeing a few more smiles.
After lunch we went for a walk around the hotel a couple of times with Andres – partly to stretch our legs and partly to try out the Ergo baby carrier that we brought with us from Australia.
I also took the camera for a walk and got some photos of this beautiful old hotel – over 50 years old and once considered one of the most prestigious hotels in Cali.

My name is Gustavo i’m 23 and born in Cali, Colombia.
I was adopted 1993 and came to sweden. I now live in Stockholm/Sweden with my parents and came across your blogg when i was looking for the hotel that we where staying at when i was adopted and again some years later when we got back to adopt my Brother (from another mother).
Im working on a presentation for school about colombia :)
to realise that the hotel is stil there and to se you guys as a family at the same spot that i was in almost 22 years ago warms my hart so much!!
all the best of luck and blessings to your family from Stockholm/Sweden
// Gustavo chris Bichara :)
Hello! We came across your blog while doing a google search. We were delighted to see your pictures! We adopted twin 4-year-old boys from Chiquitines two years ago. We stayed at Hotel Pension Stein and had Magnolia for our translator. How wonderful to relive our marvelous trip through your photos. We trust that you are acclamating to parenthood well, and that your beloved boy is growing and doing fabulously. Peace to you! Chris and Lori from Idaho, USA
Absolutely wonderful photos – keep them coming.
Where are the bird photos? They should be on here too to keep Grand-dad happy!
Just loving that photo of Andres and Leanne! Absolutely precious.